Friday, 28 October 2011

Sketches at the poetry reading

Last night Norman and I did something out of our comfort zone and went to our our first 'Poetry Wivenhoe' evening at the Greyhound, to hear Tobias Hill and Adrian May .. And... I remembered to take my sketchbook and pencil.. Hurrah!  Wonders will never cease.

So with a large glass of red wine in hand ... 

I had forgotten how hard it was to do the two, three things at the same time, listen, drink and concerntrate on the drawing..  Hang on, I'm a girl I should be able to do this easily... Maybe it was the wine...
We had seen Adrian once before at a book signing, he was so funny, his observations are hilarious.. So that was the sprat that caught these two mackerel.. We had to hear him talk and sing once more... I think back in the day he must have been a travelling minstrel.
Adrian Hill was a revelation, for someone so young, his poetry was so beautiful, especially the one about his granddad.. He also read from his new book, by this time I was so tired, but desperate to hear his words.. The descriptive way he writes, and the gentle way he spoke captured me. I shall be ordering one of his books from the library today..
Here are a couple fellow listeners..
This young chap had such a sensitive mouth.. I've drawn his eyes a bit too close together, never mind it's all good practice.
 Loved this man's face....

A final one of Adrian..

So... When is the next meeting?.... We can't wait.


  1. What a wonderful idea.. sketching whilst listening to poetry ... and all the better when a large glass of wine is involved too! Sounds like you had a great evening. :) Love the sketches.

  2. Julie... this is exactly the kind of expression in art I LOVE!!! the searching lines.. the process... Beautiful!!!

  3. I love the line quality, beautiful drawings, Gicometti-like, but a bit more materialized!


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I am always pleased to read what you have to say and will always try to answer any questions you have to ask. ~ Julie