Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Yesterday was my birthday....

Best I forget having them from now on.... Only one person remembered..... My friend, Ann.  Not husband, not son (Until reminded), not daughter, not sister.... Just one card from Ann.... Am I a bad person?  I must be.......... Do I remember their birthdays... Always!

Feeling very sad.....


  1. AnonymousMay 31, 2011

    Big Hugs xxxxx Here's to a Wonderful Year Ahead xxxxxxxxx

  2. Oh dear... no, I don't think your conclusion is right. I'm sure that remembering a date doesn't necessarily prove affection, nor is forgetting an evidence for the opposite. I'm sure they love you. The critical point is expectation. If you see it in a more positive way, you give others a hint. There is no need for a test. The result now is bitter -- and it shouldn't be, imho.
    Happy belated birthday!

  3. pick a new date and give a party,
    hope it will be a good year
    eva has spoken wise words
    be gentle for yourself and hopefully they will follow

  4. I totally disagree with the last comment! I don`t think you are the `bad` person - I think all those significant people who `forgot` your birthday are `bad`. Totally unforgiveable to `forget` your Wife`s,Mother`s,Sister`s` birthday...shame on them! Tons of belated birthday wishes from me. If you lived nearer, I could take you around our little (growing bigger each year)annual arts festival (Three Harbours Art Festival - on Facebook if you have it). A wealth of talent to be seen and some folks have `Open Houses`, where you can just walk into their homes to see the artworks displayed! It`s great!

  5. Belated birthday wishes - may it be a happy and creative year for you! (And I agree with Eva, though I do understand your sadness.)

  6. AnonymousMay 31, 2011

    Eva is a Wise Person X

  7. Awwww - that's just not RIGHT! I know it doesn't count as much if we wish you a happy birthday, but happy day anyway!


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