Monday, 14 August 2017

A 'summer' visitor..

 From watercolour sketch 
to collagraph plate..
Aglais io


  1. Forgive my ignorance, but what is the final piece made of? And, if my reading is correct, does this mean that you will be using it to make prints??

    1. The short answer is yes, I will be making prints as soon as I can borrow a printing press.

  2. I thought I left a comment on this earlier, but it must be plugging the hole in the ozone layer (again). Anyway....I'm curious to know what the butterfly in the final picture is made of....and will it be covered with ink and used to make prints? Obviously I"m ignorant about what collography actually is!

    1. Now there is a printing world that you must dip your toe into Mary Anne. You will be google'ing away for sure.. The plate is made from mount board, you cut away the top layer then seal it with several coats of button/French polish or clear varnish.. Then off you go..

    2. Obviously I must do further research on the technique!

  3. Have fun Mary Anne, I can't wait to see the results.


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