Saturday, 19 November 2011

A surprise in the hearth..

 Laying the fire yesterday threw a log on and to my surprise.. A sweetheart.

Did I burn it? No of course not, how could I..


  1. Isn't it wonderful when the Universe sends you little messages :)

  2. I can see it all now. This log with little tongues of flames and the caption below asking, "Do you suffer from heartburn?" I wonder where the heart came from. Interesting.

  3. Love the log - no of course you couldn't burn it. Glad to read in the previous posts that your talk about Open Studio experiences went well. Have a good week. Lesley

  4. So "heart wood" really is heart wood :)
    Ellen x

  5. Its amazing that you can find a heart in the most unusual places.....xx

  6. That is so out-of-the-ordinary!! And don't you know the first thing I thought was ...Can she really go through with burning it...

  7. Must be such a pleasure to have a fireplace, even without finding hearts in it...

  8. The things you invite will appear. A good omen for sure!

  9. XX a love heart xx


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