Thursday, 22 April 2010

Grace... an update


Slow progress... I keep getting distracted with the veggie garden....


  1. I LOve her....can't wait to see her finished. : )

  2. I like Grace. Isn't it frustrating when we have so many things we want to accomplish and only 24 hrs to a day. I do belive that there is a reason for that. We are suppose to stop a look and see what we have already accomplished and appreciate the fact that we did get some of the things done that we have to do.
    Is she done now. I think she looks quite nice.

  3. I'm so glad to find your blog! I have a student who is making cloth doll sculptures for his final project, he made little houses for them as well and will be placing them around the University - Clark U. in Worcester, Mass, US- to bring a little enchantment to academia! I'm excited to send him a link for him to be inspired by your work.

  4. Progress is progress, great! -J


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