Monday 3 August 2015

How the egg became a bowl...

As my 'egg' paintings evolve my brain is beginning to awaken. Working this past week on the painting above with radio 4 gently gently chatting away in the background, a thought came to me... In recent years most of my work has been about vessels and women.. Using boats, bowls, eggs (even the odd pear) as a metaphor for rescue and keeping things (people) safe. 
(Natural pigments on recycled wood)

So, why did I change the largest egg into a bowl?  

The painting had been it in the studio for weeks.  It kept peeking out from behind other work... teasing me, niggling me... Making me think! ....What's that all about?

I kept looking at the painting (below), propped it up around the house, took it out into the garden. Wondering why it wasn't working for me. 
I get up really early, just after 5am,  I love that time of the morning it's still quite dark here in Cornwall. I open the back door and listen, the birds are just waking, the seagulls are already up and squawking.. Sometimes I can smell the ocean. Sometimes I can hear the fog horns.. A magical place..

Kettle on, tea made.  As I turned to go into the dining room I caught sight of a very simple hand thrown bowl sitting on the side with the sour dough proving.. It's a beautiful bowl, red earthenware with a creamy glaze inside, around 100 years old. A dough bowl.. A vessel, keeping my bread dough safe. Just like an egg keeping it's contents safe... 

So that is how the largest egg became a bowl.. The pear is another story...

..'An empty bowl is a symbol of going on a pilgrimage, a sacred journey, open to the gifts of life. A bowl is a powerful symbol of nourishment, emptied and refilled over and over throughout life'..

Working with with natural pigments and gesso has makes my brain ache at times it's even caused me to think things through.. Not like me at all.. Thinking??? What's all that about... But, it is such a beautiful medium, the colours are gentle, it has a soft matt finish and best of all the process is a pleasure....


  1. There is something about witnessing another artist's thought processes that is very intimate. But what a learning process. I often hold drawings and paintings up in the mirror, getting a different feel for how they look. Also find photographing them helps too.

    1. Hi Charlotte, I use a mirror too, my granddaughter calls it my mermaids mirror..

  2. I really like your egg/pear/bowl paintings, as well as your explanation for the meaning of the bowl... makes perfect sense to me...

    1. Hi Sharmon, thank you.. I think my boats must be bowls on the ocean..

  3. It looks to be a beautiful painting and these are fascinating thoughts about it. Thankyou.

    1. Hi Tom, thank you. I hope sometime soon to see your work at your Lanherne gallery..

  4. Hi Julie. You'ld be very welcome. Our Lanherne Open Studio Week is on now 11-5 daily until Sunday 9th August.

    1. Sadly I won't be able to make it this time but another time when I'm over your way would be wonderful.. Will look out for your next 'Open Studio' event.

  5. Hi Julie. It's lovely to read your thoughts and to see them in your work. It is becoming a fascinating painting.
    The egg shows up in my paintings often when I'm just at the very beginning of the work. Like the beginning of new life.
    I hope you have a marvellous August. xo

    1. Hi Carol thank you for your kind words.. Eggs and circles for me.. August weather changeable here at the moment hope your summer weather is being kind to you.x

  6. I'm not a painter (despite wishing I was) and find it fascinating to read about your thought process. Most of my work seems to be intuitive (at least I choose to call it that - perhaps it should be more aptly described as being a complete and total fluke!!).

    1. I think we have to agree to use 'intuitive'. x

  7. I love what you have done and how it came to be. the process is always the best! cheers

    1. Thank you Gwen.. I love it when you post ' the process' of your work too..

      Autumn has arrived here in Falmouth.. Rain, mizzle, rain, fog and more rain..x

  8. Thanks for sharing your thought process and development of how you got to the bowl. It really sounded like a journey! My business name is HASTYpearl. I can so relate to the thinking thing. Sometimes I'm a thinker and others, I just like to move along hastily:) glad I'm not the Only one. Curious about your natural pigments...???? Laura


Welcome to one and all, please feel free to leave a few words..

I am always pleased to read what you have to say and will always try to answer any questions you have to ask. ~ Julie