Thursday, 23 October 2014

Fannie and Fox photo's from our Private View


  1. Lovely evening surrounded by beautiful things.

  2. Its absolutely beautiful. I only wish I could see it in person -- but then I'd probably disturb the peace with all my ohhhs and ahhhhs!

  3. Looks Great Julie

  4. What a gorgeous gallery! I was picking my son up from the station the other day and the train he was on was going right to Penzance!! I asked the guard how long it took to get there and he said about 12 hours! I could've just jumped straight on it but unfortunately real life took over! How's the little 'un? Good weekend to you, Julie.x

  5. Simply beautiful... the art and the gallery!

  6. Looks like you have made your mark at the Fannie and Fox preview . Your work certainly is of a very high standard and out of the box....xx

  7. such charming arts
    wish i was close enough to go!


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I am always pleased to read what you have to say and will always try to answer any questions you have to ask. ~ Julie