Monday, 15 November 2010

Everyone is but a collection of selves..

" Each thought
Is the creator
Of a new experience." 
This amazing poem has made me think this past week about my own thoughts,  and the hundreds that pass through my head every hour......Wow! A big subject... I know.   And it will take the rest of my life to analyze those thoughts and in the mean time.... A thousand more will be waiting in line... And another thousand... And another.

So as I was quietly listening to Radio 2, thinking, and attempting to clean up the studio for the thousandth time!   I came up with a question, I am an artist, mother, lover......... and maybe thinker? Who am I? ..... Who... am I?..... A collection of selves.. Was my final thought.
 Everyone is but a collection of selves  1

And here is the product of those thoughts a simple folded hand painted art book with a surprise if you open it up.

 It is painted on both sides... 16 other-selves and maybe more to come.

A final thought...

"Art can bring to the fore the beauty of life
and the fragrance of the heart."


  1. "What did my face look like before my parents were born?" Zen-question (Koan)

  2. I love the thoughts you are having and the book that resulted from it. Lovely and unique!

  3. A lovely book... and a provocative poem. I think about thoughts a lot, and how we create our reality with our thoughts.... within reason, of course, but so much of our experience is determined by how we frame things and whether or not we are optimists or pessimists.

  4. and Tolle would say.. your true self is the one that can hear the thoughts of the random thinker.. the ego thinker.. I love your wee book of you.

  5. Julie...I have been thinking about this a lot lately....You know all the emotions and thoughts during pregnancy. I love your words. And your art book is a delight to the beautiful!

  6. Love the drawings! Are they done in ink?


Welcome to one and all, please feel free to leave a few words..

I am always pleased to read what you have to say and will always try to answer any questions you have to ask. ~ Julie