Tuesday, 13 April 2010

'Hannah and Sarah'

'Hannah and her lost children'
Hannah is a gentle woman who looks after lost children they sit close to her knowing that they will be kept safe and sound night and day.
Hannah is now finished, some of her lost children have had little bits of embroidery to define them a little more as has the defining line were her hands join .
Hannah has one of my original labels, signed with her name and mine. She is made from Quilters Calico, finished with artists acrylics, she has been embroiderd with cotton and finished with two coats of matt varnish. Hannah is a weighted sitter doll.

And this is Sarah the keeper of 'Moon Flower's'.  She is another gentle soul who walks through the night taking care of all flowers that are still in bloom keeping them safe until the the sun rises once again.
'Sarah and the Moon Flowers'
Well this is Sarah finished as you can see she is a sitter doll made with the finest Irish linen, finished with artists acrylics, cotton embroidery thread vintage buttons then finished with two coats of matt varnish.
Sarah has a very pale delecate complexion  a reflection of the moon, she has been painted using artists acrylics and then a few of her flowers have been embroidered as is where her arm and her little hands join.
Sarah has one of my original labels, signed with her name and mine. 


  1. these are so beautiful Julie

  2. Julie, Both of these are so special! Original and beautiful.



  3. OMG! I love this...surrounded in mystery.

  4. These dolls are very cool. I love what you have written about them - pale delicate complexion-a reflection of the moon, along with her name-just perfect! Love the painting of the lost children. Really nice job.


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I am always pleased to read what you have to say and will always try to answer any questions you have to ask. ~ Julie