Tuesday, 16 December 2014

The tree is up and the light's have been switched on..

And they worked!  Ha! Some are very old indeed.. No curtains as yet and my second hand granny chairs from the Heart Foundation charity shop need to be re-covered but hey, old woolen blankets do the trick for the time being. Cosy.


  1. Cozy indeed. I would love to curl up in that window with a book and a cuppa.

  2. Very cozy! The lights are magical.

    1. Have a very Happy Christmas Penny, best wishes..xx

  3. That room looks so inviting and cosy with out the curtains. Hope you and your family have a great Christmas. I did pop a card in the post ......xx

    1. Thank you Linda, good to hear from you.xx Looking forward to you and my lovely girls visiting in the new year.. Hip Hip Hurrah!

      Have a Happy Christmas and best wishes to you all.xxx

  4. The room looks lovely with your beautiful tree... Happy holidays to you and yours!

    1. Thank you Sharmon, there are present's under it at the moment, I'm just off to clear them away before my grandchildren arrive.. There would be a free for all..xx Have a Happy Christmas best wishes to you from a bright Falmouth this morning.x

  5. so lovely
    wishing you a beautiful Christmas
    and a sweet Winter Solstice

    1. Thank you Tammie Lee, we walked to Penryn and spent a wonderful evening with friends.. Then walked home in the mizzle, a Cornish word for misty rain..

  6. Your tree looks so pretty Julie and I imagine you might be sitting around it at this hour opening presents with your family. Loved your sketch in the next post too.

    Merry Christmas!


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I am always pleased to read what you have to say and will always try to answer any questions you have to ask. ~ Julie