Sunday, 30 November 2014

My husband has been stripping....

The lounge floor, he is far too old to strip.. 
Professionally that is.. Ha..ha..ha!
 Now what treatment to give it? Varnish? Wax? It is very yellow/orange at the moment so might have to put my thinking cap on.


  1. I like the natural oil finishers, gives it a natural protection, though, I've yet to use one, just seen it on friends' floors. Happy stripping!

  2. Its going to be lovely. Tell hubby we'll be watching!!

  3. Hee hee - oh the mental image that popped into my mind was NOT what I ended up seeing! Thank you for the giggle.

  4. Husband stripping! He's good. Your floor is going to be gorgeous, especially next to those fabulous windows! Is that a little heater under the window bench? Happy renos to you!

  5. What a lovely floor! We re-finished our entire hardwood first floor a couple of years ago, and I love it! We just used clear polyurethane. I can't wait ti see how yours turns out!

  6. I would use bees wax for its natural finish and smell..xx

  7. Julie, love the floor and the beautiful room its in!!


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