Thursday, 17 December 2015

The 'Treweek Weather House 'is finished and has been delivered.

 Here are 'Joy and Brian' in their 1970's bungalow weather house complete with seagull. 
 Before the painting started..
Trying to get the mechanic's to work... Lets just say that plastic tubing, butterfly clips and a lot of patience came into play.
 Dear Brian, I love the way his head has shrunk into his shoulders.. How I've grown to love these oldies although I've never met them.. All painted from photographs.
 Back drop kitchen and shed.
 Just working on a few details.
Naughty seagull asking joy for something to eat. 
 On the sides are Joy's painting corner and Brian's shed.
Turn the seagull on the roofand Brian and Joy swing in and out. 
Joy into her kitchen and Brian into his shed.
 So cheerio my little seagull 'Merry Christmas' to you and your new family.


  1. Just the logistics of making this boggles my mind! All the little details are incredible too. I'll bet the new owners are thrilled with it.

    1. I do hope so, it was commissioned as a present for the ladies elderly parents,Joy and Brian it's their Christmas gift. Merry Christmas and all good wishes to you Magpie.


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I am always pleased to read what you have to say and will always try to answer any questions you have to ask. ~ Julie