Monday, 2 June 2014

There is a new scuptor on the horizon..

My grandson Reu made these for my birthday the other day.. He has been looking at Antony Gormley's Field at school and has been totally inspired.. Treasured forever..


  1. That is so good, start thme young!

    There is a very good documentary on Mr Gormley - What do Artists Do All Day. BBC iplayer :0

    1. I watched it Joan and loved it, just watched the new one on Peter Blake, fantastic, and well worth a look.

  2. I have something similar that my son made at least 25 years ago. it still has pride of place. Jacqui x

  3. AnonymousJune 03, 2014

    Belated Birthday Greetings Julie - Love the Sculptures xx

  4. Art from the heart to the heart!

  5. Forever and ever and ever! Precious.

  6. Oh wow! Reminds me of a treasured piece of art I have that my son made when he was in grade school. He thinks it's junk, but there's no way I would ever part with it.


Welcome to one and all, please feel free to leave a few words..

I am always pleased to read what you have to say and will always try to answer any questions you have to ask. ~ Julie