Friday, 16 May 2014

I have never, had a moose come through my letter box before...

Imagine my delight at the beginning of May to be contacted by print maker Linda Cote 
(from Alberta,Canada, no less) to say that I had won a gift for becoming her 300th like on her fb page.
A little parcel was delivered through my door yesterday afternoon and to my surprise there were 4 original hand-printed cards inside. I am so surprised and amazed by Linda's generosity.
 Thank you Linda Cote, they are an absolute delight..


  1. Lucky you! I keep hoping to be able to see a moose in the wild but haven't been lucky enough yet. Your cards are beautiful.

    1. The cards are wonderful, I'm so thrilled. As for seeing a moose, I think that would be amazing, thankfully none here in Cornwall... As far as I know..

  2. What nice gifts. I like that idea of rewarding an even-numbered visitor.


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