Monday, 10 March 2014

My sketchbook...

We took our lovely friends to an evening of wonderful music at the  
Trengilly Wartha Inn here in Constantine.
 With a bottle of red and pen in hand, good company and music that was a joy, I sketched.
  Drawing without looking at the page, the only way when people are moving and chatting..
 I sometimes slipped up completely, when my glass needed filling..

I sketched the listeners and watchers, the musicians were too quick in movement for me to capture.. Less wine next time me thinks!


  1. Your evening sounds marvellous and I love your sketches!

  2. These are fabulous -- perhaps wine is a necessary ingredient to spontaneous drawing.

  3. Julie, I agree that not looking at the page is a very fre and fun way to sketch - a favorite of mine. Your sketches look great! I'm thinking the addition of wine might make it even more fun...


Welcome to one and all, please feel free to leave a few words..

I am always pleased to read what you have to say and will always try to answer any questions you have to ask. ~ Julie